Monday, April 28, 2008

Anzac Day and The Road

Is there anything better in this World than a long weekend? Nothing compares in my book, and we were blessed to have Friday off for Anzac Day (Australian Memorial Day, but you would know this if you read the last post). Veronica and I had thought that we might do things differently this year, but as often happens in life we pretty much did a complete repeat of last year. The only difference being that we arrived at the bar at 4 instead of 11. This was a good thing for our pocket book, but a bad thing for our eardrums and sanity. Arriving sober to a full on Aussie drunkfest is a bit startling I must admit. My ears felt like they were going to curl up and die as they were constantly bombarded by the drunken shrills of countless 20 year old. I know it sounds like a terrible time, but I did have a bit of fun hanging out with our friends.

I surfed Saturday morning with Jay. The waves were good and chunky. A lot of heaving pits were to be had by the nimble footed, but unfortunately for Jay and myself we were none too nimble. The paddle out was brutal as we went straight through a heavy patch of kelp. Not the best seesion, but despite some serious punishment from Mother Ocean I had one ride that I would deem worthy of being labeled 'decent'. Had a great dinner that night at Fish Mongers. Finally ponied up the extra dinero to get the Fish and Calamari and it was oh so delicious.

Sunday we spent pretty much the entire day with Gavin, Martina, and Anna, Martina's mom. Had lunch at the Newport Arms, which is apparently the largest beer garden in Sydney. The locale is very nice, but the food was average. What wasn't average were the employees. Before I slam the complete ass muppets that are employed there, I will do some research to make sure that the establishment doesn't hire mentally disabled people. I would hate to further damage my already very suspect karma.

Finished 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy on Thursday night. Masterpiece. I was curious as to how it would stack up against NCFOM, and 'The Road' triumphed. Perhaps it was due to it's theme? Regardless, the book was worthy of a Pulitzer. Most worthy.

Before I end this, check out this picture of a huge pelican. This bird was enormous!

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