Thursday, August 7, 2008

We might have been witness to the last Wolfmother gig

For all of you huge Wolfmother fan out there, I am sure you have heard the news that the band broke up this week. Crazy considering we just saw them perform at Splendour this past Sunday. It's not exactly like seeing The Beatles last show, but nonetheless still pretty cool. RIP Mother of Wolf!

In other news, I am sick. Guess the huge weekend has finally struck back on my body after all the punishment I bestowed upon it.

Additionally, I want to apologize for how crappy the end of the last post ended up being. Just got tired and I wanted to post the thing already. But in my haste I missed one really crucial facet of our trip. I forgot to give credit where credit was most certainly due, to the White Chariot. That little beast did almost 2,000 kilometers without breaking a sweat. All Hail to The White Chariot, the best free car ever!

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