Monday, March 19, 2007

Long Time

Well, it has been a while since we last gave an update on the recent events here in Sydney. First and foremost, Veronica finally got the official contract this past Friday for her job. Three weeks after her interview, Veronica is now employed and has completed her first day of work as of yesterday. Very exciting stuff to say the least!

A little recap: The previous weekend we met up with a friend from my Peace Corps days in Chuuk. Bill Jeffries is a maritime archaeologist that lives on Magnetic Island, right off of Townsville (which is in the Northern part of the State of Queensland). Much of Bill’s work in Chuuk is concerned with the preservation of the wrecks in the Lagoon. Needless to say Bill is quite the optimist. Since the expat community was small, and also because Bill lived right next door to Schmidtke, I became quick friends with Bill. Being a great guy, Bill would let me tag along on some of his dives when they had extra room on the boat. This meant the world to a poor, smelly Peace Corps Volunteer back in the day. Excited by the prospect of catching up with Bill after 5 years, Veronica and I took the train out to the airport hotel where he was staying. It was a great night to relive the the glory days of Chuuk. Unfortunately we forgot our camera that night, so no pics of Bill, and even worse, we missed the last ferry of the night by 3 minutes!

That was last Saturday. After sleeping in on Sunday, we awoke to a nice, sunny day. Veronica and I decided to head back to the secluded beach we had passed on our hike from a few weeks ago. Taking the bus back to the beach, we still had quite a hike in, but once we got to the beach we went for a nice swim in the cold water. Unfortunately the beach was much more crowded this day than it had been a few weeks prior. Still, it was a fun time.

This week at work was tough. I’ve really gotten depressed about my inability to find a job. This was amplified on Thursday morning when I found out I didn’t even get a 2nd interview with Google. On Friday, I delivered a camera lens to a downtown office that reminded me of OREXCO’s (the company I worked for in Hawaii) because of it's panoramic view of the water. Fresh from the Google let down, being back in that kind of office now as a delivery boy was disheartening. To top it off, later that afternoon I scratched and nearly broke my sunglasses. I snapped and had a nice 10-minute meltdown. The real kicker of the situation is that I really enjoy getting to drive around Sydney, and I am extremely thankful to have this job. Perhaps I am hung up on my perception of how other people see me? Whatever the case, it is quite pathetic.

That night Veronica and I hung out with our friends in Freshwater (Jase, Brenda and Guynes). It was a mellow evening and it made me feel much better. Saturday we awoke to rain, so we slept in again. After having lunch at one of our favorite places (Fresh) we came back to our room and watched a movie. Afterwards we headed over to Charlotte’s house (Morgan’s girlfriend) where we enjoyed a nice barbecue. Sunday was another gloomy day, so Veronica and I headed over to Candy’s for our "usual" chai and mocha to start the day. Then in the afternoon we headed into the city to watch a movie. The city was packed as it was the Harbour Bridge’s 75th birthday. We had tried to register to walk over it with the masses, but alas had tried a tad bit late and all the spots were already reserved. I guess that's why you don't try to do things the week of. Incidently, everyone who walked over the bridge for it's birthday was wearing a hideous lime green Bridge hat. Which makes me wonder, when did lime green make a comeback? Shouldn’t the color be burned or buried, or perhaps banished to a thrift store?

Last night I got back home from work to find our psycho landlord Jimmy hammering on the kitchen door. It seems he was putting a new door handle and lock on the door. When I asked him why we were being locked out of the kitchen for our last week Jimmy told me it was for security reasons. After explaining to him that what he was doing was illegal since we had paid rent, he told me to grab my food and get the f*** out. Ah, the joys of living in a place with a certified psycho. Thank God we move out on Saturday.

Sorry again for the delay in posting, I would love to give a good excuse but the real reason is that I am a slacker!

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